P.S: My O/S is Windows 10 64-bit build 2004. Many thanks in advance, for any help will be greatly appreciated! Which one of these am I supposed to download, and what do I do then?Ģ.) Is there an installation EXE or MSI I would need to run in order to install the required SSL libraries?ģ.) Which *.dll files I am supposed to copy, from where, and into which folder(s) these need to be copied? Landis+Gyr Heat Meter Last.fm Launch Library. There are 5 different packs named "OpenSSL for Windows". Tracker (1)Doorbell (8)Downloading (12)Energy (60)Environment (25)Fan (39)Finance (12)Front End. These notes you gave are unfortunately are too vague to follow - at least for me.ġ) What exactly am I suppose to download: On the web link you provided, ( ),

I found and copied the legacy plugin into WACUP "Plugins" directory, which in my Windows 10, was named "ml_wa2_scrobbler.dll" (in the WInamp 5 plugin folder.)Ĭould you please clarify the exact procedure for updating the SSL libaries. Hi, I have struggled over a year trying to get the Last.fm legacy scrobbler to work with Winamp 5, and after futile attempsts, I have now installed the latest WACUP, but I can't get the Last.fm legacy plugin to function, because I don't have clear, precise and easy to follow instructions, how to do this.